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Tudor shops, High Street Berwick

September 1994 Tudor shops, High Street Berwick

ID: 21618
Creator: City of Berwick
Copyright: library owns image (image on public access)
Org ID: Series 7, Box 7-2, High Street file.

Description: Tudor style shops in High Street in Berwick. They were built in the late 1920s by Sir Sidney Sewell (1880-1949). Sir Sidney was a doctor, and a lecturer on the central nervous system. After World War One he looked after soldiers suffering from 'shell shock'. He later took an interest in the treatment of tuberculosis and established a service to care for patients. With Sir Richard Stawell he established the Association of Physicians of Australasia in 1930, which later became the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. An early tenant of the Tudor Shops was the Blue Plate Tea Room and travelling library.
Subject: shops

Please Contact:
Casey -Cardinia Library Corporation

Image held by Casey-Cardinia Local History Archive. For further information please contact the Local History Librarian at Narre Warren Library telephone (03) 9704 7696.
Postal address is Locked Bag 2400 Cranbourne 3977

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