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In broad terms, PictureVictoria aims to:

There are 44 public library services across Victoria. These range from small, single municipality libraries, to large regional 'corporations' serving two or more local councils, with numerous library branches spread across wide geographic areas.

Participation is open to all Victoria's public libraries. While PictureVictoria is not yet a comprehensive survey of the local history collections held by public libraries across the State, it is hoped that as the database grows PictureVictoria will prove to be a valuable addition to the wealth of local and national history resources accessible online.

Every Victorian public library service also has a presence on the web. Library catalogues are all available online, as well as additional resources and services such as local history material, (although the scope of what is offered varies widely across services). If you are interested in making contact with a particular library service, or would like to browse individual library web sites, a comprehensive listing of all Victorian library services is available via Victoria's Virtual Library

How PictureVictoria works

Each image in the database is held on a centralised server and is displayed as part of a web page. The page includes the image itself and information that describes the image, in HTML. This descriptive information is called metadata. PictureVictoria uses metadata in the Dublin Core format.

Each participating service can load images and data either by batch or manual entry. The data for images should include terms from the Australian Picture Thesaurus. This is a controlled list of subject headings which provides contemporary Australian terminology for the description of images. Its use will ensure the common description of pictorial collections across Australian libraries, museums and archives. More information about the APT is available on the Australian Pictorial Thesaurus web site.

The benefits in participating in PictureVictoria are both strategic and operational.

Having your collection available via PictureVictoria also benefits your users.

How can I participate?

Do you have an image collection that you would like to increase access to and awareness of?
Victorian public library services are able to join PictureVictoria to find new audiences for their collections. Historical societies are able to participate in collaboration with their local public library.


HOME | BACKGROUND | SCOPE | FAQ'S | HOW CAN I PARTICIPATE | CONTACT | COPYRIGHT | DISCLAIMER | LINKS | ADMIN LOGIN   Picture Australia State Libaray of Victoria Victoria the place to be
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