27 March (before 1926) Bay View Estate, Black Rock
ID: 20091
Creator: Coghill & Haughton and Gibbs & Keiran Copyright: library owns image (image on public access) Org ID: 2land10
Description: Photograph of 'Where they fish, swim, and indulge in the sport of Yatching at Black Rock' depicting children frolicking in water. Situated on page 4. 4 x 6cm, oval shaped photograph. Photograph of 'Shops on the Beach Road convenient to Bay View Estate' featuring tram tracks, Sandringham to Black Rock for the electric tram. 6 x 12cm, retangular photograph, page 4. Photograph of 'View of Bay View Estate (marked X) from property opposite' containing out buildings, possibly stables. 6.5 x 13.5cm, retangular photograph, page 4. For more information see ID: 20088-90.
Subject: subdivisions
Please Contact:
Bayside Library Service
Image held by Bayside Library Service
14 Wilson Street, Brighton, Victoria
Australia 3186
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email: baysidelibrary@bayside.vic.gov.au
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