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Flooding - Bluff Road - Sandringham

c.1950s Flooding - Bluff Road - Sandringham

ID: 19532
Creator: Sandringham City Council
Copyright: library owns image (image on public access)
Org ID: 6floods1

Description: Photograph, black and white, 21 x 16cm. This photograph shows the portion of Bluff Road between Bay Road and Medhurst Street flooded. The view is looking north towards Bay Road. From the style of the cars the date is most probably the 1950 or 1954 floods.
Subject: floods

Please Contact:
Bayside Library Service

Image held by Bayside Library Service
14 Wilson Street, Brighton, Victoria
Australia 3186
ph: 03 9591-5900
email: baysidelibrary@bayside.vic.gov.au
web: www.bayside.vic.gov.au/library

Printing tip: Before printing, please change your page orientation to Landscape in your printing options. This will ensure the best print results.

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