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Narre Warren landfill gas fuelled power station

1995 Narre Warren landfill gas fuelled power station

ID: 21427
Creator: City of Casey
Copyright: library owns image (image on public access)

Description: The Narre Warren landfill gas fuelled power station was officially opened on July 12, 1992. The Power Station is on the site of a former quarry which had been used since November 1982 as a 'regional refuse disposal site' or tip as it would have been known in the olden days. The tip was managed by the City of Berwick in partnership with five other Councils. When garbage and waste breaks down, 'landfill' gas is produced which is generally fifty five percent methane and forty five per cent carbon dioxide.This gas can cause environmental problems and so a power station was constructed to use this gas as fuel for power generation. The end result was a decrease in odour and methane emissions and the production of electricity for generation plants. The waste heat was originally used to heat green houses and for a business that re-cycled paper. The landfill closed in 1996 and the power station is still operating.
Subject: power stations

Please Contact:
Casey -Cardinia Library Corporation

Image held by Casey-Cardinia Local History Archive. For further information please contact the Local History Librarian at Narre Warren Library telephone (03) 9704 7696.
Postal address is Locked Bag 2400 Cranbourne 3977

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