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Pound Road, Hampton Park

03/03/1970 Pound Road, Hampton Park

ID: 21471
Creator: Shire of Berwick
Copyright: library owns image (image on public access)

Description: This is the South Gippsland Highway and Pound Road intersection at Hampton Park, looking north to the General Motors Holden factory. It was taken at a 'height of 1,500 feet generally, down to 1,000 feet'. That is 450 metres down to 300 metres. The photograph has 'Eummemmerring Bypass from end of Mulgrave Bypass to South Gippsland Highway' on the back. Presumably, the series of photographs were taken along the route of the proposed road between Stud Road and the Princes Highway East, which would act as a by-pass to the City of Dandenong. This work started in 1969 and was finished in 1972.
Subject: aerial photographs

Please Contact:
Casey -Cardinia Library Corporation

Image held by Casey-Cardinia Local History Archive. For further information please contact the Local History Librarian at Narre Warren Library telephone (03) 9704 7696.
Postal address is Locked Bag 2400 Cranbourne 3977

Printing tip: Before printing, please change your page orientation to Landscape in your printing options. This will ensure the best print results.

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