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Bain's Border Inn, Berwick

1850s Bain's Border Inn, Berwick

ID: 7191
Copyright: library owns image (image on public access)

Description: A copy of a very early photograph of High Street, Berwick in Victoria featuring the Border Inn. There is scrubby uncleared bush behind the hotel. The first post office is also in view. Looking closely, it is possible to see a group of people standing outside the hotel, probably the Bain family, the licensees of the hotel from 1857 until 1909.
Subject: hotels & taverns

Please Contact:
Casey -Cardinia Library Corporation

Image held by Casey-Cardinia Local History Archive. For further information please contact the Local History Librarian at Narre Warren Library telephone (03) 9704 7696.
Postal address is Locked Bag 2400 Cranbourne 3977

Printing tip: Before printing, please change your page orientation to Landscape in your printing options. This will ensure the best print results.

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