1985 Coburg primary school staff football team
ID: 15891
Org ID: R2.38
Description: Andrea Davis, emergency teacher Neil crooks, Chris bell, Rosa Guglielmino, John Graham, Charlie O'Connor, rod Campbell, mark Pritchard, Michael Otway, John Nelson, ray Rothwell, Maria Yusuf, Seba Kerbatieh, Leanne McAuliffe, Maria Apostiliadis, Risa Pirro, Josie DeStefano, Sharon Caddaye, Kay Barker
Subject: footballers
Please Contact:
Coburg Historical Society
Picture owned by Coburg Historical Society
Bluestone Cottage Museum
82 Bell St, Coburg
Open every Friday 12 -2 and the first Sunday of the month (except January) 2-4.30 pm
Postal address:
PO Box 295
Pascoe Vale South
Victoria 3044
Contact via email: coburghistory@gmail.com
Website: Coburg Historical Society