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Councillor W.L.J. (Les) Crofts

c1985 Councillor W.L.J. (Les) Crofts

ID: 22449
Photographer: unknown
Copyright: library owns image (image on public access)
Org ID: B6P226

Description: Harrington Square, Altona West circa 1985. Unveiling of commemorative plaque set in stone marking the sight of the first coal mine in Altona. Mayor Les Crofts and Mrs Crofts presiding.
Subject: coalmines

Please Contact:
Hobsons Bay Libraries

City of Hobsons Bay

Phone: +61 03 9932 4170

Address: 104 Ferguson Street

Webpage: www.hobsons.vic.gov.au/libraries

Email: library@hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au

Printing tip: Before printing, please change your page orientation to Landscape in your printing options. This will ensure the best print results.

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