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70 Albert Street, East Melbourne, side view

02/1974 70 Albert Street, East Melbourne, side view

ID: 14871
Photographer: Burchett, Winston
Copyright: library owns image (image on public access)
Org ID: BB Albert 4

Description: Image held by the East Melbourne library. Single storey, brick (white painted or rendered) dwelling with rounded front and decorative detail. This view is looking from the corner across the road so the right side of the dwelling as well as part of the front can be seen. Please refer to ID 14872. Constructed circa 1883.
Subject: terrace houses

Please Contact:
Melbourne Library Service

Image held by Melbourne Library Service
Phone: (03)9658 9700
Email: library@melbourne.vic.gov.au
Website: Melbourne Library Service

Printing tip: Before printing, please change your page orientation to Landscape in your printing options. This will ensure the best print results.

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