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Women's Peace Garden

2002 Women's Peace Garden

ID: 18928
Copyright: library owns image (image on public access)
Org ID: NMFC 4545c

Description: 2002 launch of interpretive panel by Joan Kirner, former premier of Victoria and Susan Riley, Deputy Lord Mayor of Melbourne. The panel was designed by the children of Kensington Primary School years 3&4 as part of its Peace Studies program. Joan Kirner addresses the crowd. (back row in pink Deputy Lord Mayor Susan Riley), Lecki Ord former Lord Mayor and chair of the WPG Advisory Committee 1987-89, Maree Goonan, the Hon Joan Kirner, Helen Bull original Landscape Designer, and Design Engineer, Ida. Far right Ian Harrison, Former Manager Parks and Gardens City of Melbourne.
Subject: parks

Please Contact:
Melbourne Library Service

Image held by Melbourne Library Service
Phone: (03)9658 9700
Email: library@melbourne.vic.gov.au
Website: Melbourne Library Service

Printing tip: Before printing, please change your page orientation to Landscape in your printing options. This will ensure the best print results.

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