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Lane off Canning Place

1930's-1940's Lane off Canning Place

ID: 20301
Copyright: library does not own image (image on public access)
Org ID: Public Housing 14 - 934, Streets 04

Description: A lane off a lane. All the houses face backyards. The newest houses, those near the end have no windows in front. Most of them have their own little gardens. The woman living in the first house with the verandah was so desparately poor that she resolved to save the maternity bonus, and so, with her last baby had neither anaesthetic nor doctor. Copyright: Housing Commission of Victoria. Barnett Collection.
Subject: street scenes

Please Contact:
Melbourne Library Service

Image held by Melbourne Library Service
Phone: (03)9658 9700
Email: library@melbourne.vic.gov.au
Website: Melbourne Library Service

Printing tip: Before printing, please change your page orientation to Landscape in your printing options. This will ensure the best print results.

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