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086 present: Morshead overpass, Melbourne

29/9/2010 086 present: Morshead overpass, Melbourne

ID: 20708
Photographer: Nick Stephenson
Copyright: library does not own image (image not on public access)
Org ID: Snapped086pres


Second place in the Snapped: Melbourne past and present photography competition 2010.

Please contact Melbourne Library Service if you would like to enquire about obtaining permission to reproduce this photograph.

Judges' comments:
The artist has successfully used slow shutter speed to illustrate the traffic flow, an unrelenting blur of transports. In the background, Melbourne town sits on the horizon reminding us of where we are, as the power of the bridge above, strong enough to hold traffic jams, fills the top third of the frame. This image has a great sense of balance, perspective, texture and motion, conveying the power of the historical viaduct and the surrounding environment successfully.

Nick's comments:
With the opportunity to search through the library's photo archive, I went looking for my current subject of interest: freeways. I found some great images depicting everything from highway construction to anti-development protests but most were outside of the designated City of Melbourne limits. I became interested in just what freeways were inside the inner city and found the Morshead overpass photo that sits right on the edge of this boundary. I joked to myself that as long as I stood on the right side of the road I'd meet the entry requirements.

My shot isn't a reproduction as such. It has many of the same elements as the original image: river bank; trees; sign post; fence; but obviously the dominant form of the bridge has long been completed and encloses the image frame. I like how other aspects like the traffic in motion then help lighten the scene. Although not an iconic vista of Melbourne, perhaps just as many people have experienced this stretch of road as our more famous postcard settings.

Subject: expressways

Please Contact:
Melbourne Library Service

Image held by Melbourne Library Service
Phone: (03)9658 9700
Email: library@melbourne.vic.gov.au
Website: Melbourne Library Service

Printing tip: Before printing, please change your page orientation to Landscape in your printing options. This will ensure the best print results.

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