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Students at JH Boyd Domestic College

1972 Students at JH Boyd Domestic College

ID: 21435
Creator: Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (DIMIA)
Copyright: library does not own image (image not on public access)
Org ID: NAA 8113912

Description: Students outside J.H. Boyd Domestic College in South Melbourne (now Southbank). Formerly South Melbourne Girls' School, it was reopened in 1932 as the J. H. Boyd Domestic College, being renamed at the request of the late Mr. J. H. Boyd who placed 11,000 pounds in trust in perpetuity to extend the curriculum at the school. Copyright Commonwealth of Australia (National Archives of Australia) 2012. Image held by National Archives of Australia. Principal Credit: Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (DIMIA). City of Melbourne does not own image.
Subject: schools & colleges

Please Contact:
Melbourne Library Service

Image held by Melbourne Library Service
Phone: (03)9658 9700
Email: library@melbourne.vic.gov.au
Website: Melbourne Library Service

Printing tip: Before printing, please change your page orientation to Landscape in your printing options. This will ensure the best print results.

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