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State School 1496. Eildon

ca. 1925 State School 1496. Eildon

ID: 8000
Creator: Murrindindi Library Service
Copyright: Access via Alexandra Library
Org ID: Murr-33b

Description: Black & white photograph View of school building and students. School was on a 20 acre allotment near north bank of Goulburn River. not far from the current pondage gates. The School was established on 25 January 1875. It was under the control of the Board of Advice No. 65 at Ale Noel Coller collection [1910 - 1930] Approximate location of State School. Eildon see map (EildonMap.jpg) --B 13 Eildon (Vic.) History

Please Contact:
Murrindindi Library Service

Grant Street
Alexandra, Victoria, 3714.
Ph: 57720349

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