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[William Fuller and family]

[William Fuller and family]

ID: 12901
Copyright: This image is provided for research purposes only and must not be reproduced for other purposes without the prior permission of the Stonnington Local History Archives
Org ID: 10862

Description: Family portrait of the Fuller family. William Fuller was Mayor of Prahran 1889/90. Pictured are three children from his marriage to his first wife (Isabella Doubleday, died aged 37), and three children from his subsequent marriage to Amelia Wallis. From the back row, LHS, is (probably) William John Doubleday Fuller, then his brother John to the right. The children in the front row, (from the left) are thought to be Harry, Percival (born 1887), Adelaide Letitia (these three from the second marriage), and Isabel (last child from the marriage to Isabella). See #9143 for high res scan.

Please Contact:
Stonnington Library and Information Service

Image held by Stonnington History Centre
Phone: (03)8290 1360
Email: history@stonnington.vic.gov.au
Website: Stonnington History Centre

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