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[Chapel Street]

[Chapel Street]

ID: 13309
Copyright: This image is provided for research purposes only and must not be reproduced for other purposes without the prior permission of the Stonnington Local History Archives
Org ID: 12712

Description: Photo of Chapel Street in front of the Town Hall, looking south. To the south are visible: the Victoria Tobacco Company at No. 255 (adjacent to the laneway separating it from the town hall), then Conways building, with signage for four of the occupants: Conway's Boot Store, D. Cameron's ladies wear shop, Edments, and Mrs C. Huntsman, miliner. To the north of the town hall is the Royal George Hotel, then signage for several businesses, including A. Allison's Billiards Salon (No. 259), the Palms (?) tea rooms (possibly J. Karran's business), then G.J. Coles and Co. at No. 261. The electric tram pictured is significant as the City had only recently converted from cable trams.

Please Contact:
Stonnington Library and Information Service

Image held by Stonnington History Centre
Phone: (03)8290 1360
Email: history@stonnington.vic.gov.au
Website: Stonnington History Centre

Printing tip: Before printing, please change your page orientation to Landscape in your printing options. This will ensure the best print results.

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