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Discovering Prahran No. 8

07/08/2006 Discovering Prahran No. 8

ID: 16991
Creator: Betty Malone
Org ID: 12766

Description: Two essays offering a brief introductory history of that part of Prahran bounded by Dandenong Road, Orrong Road, Malvern Road and Kooyong Road. The emphasis is on land settlement and urban development from the the first Crown land sales in 1850.
Subject: books

Please Contact:
Stonnington Library and Information Service

Image held by Stonnington History Centre
Phone: (03)8290 1360
Email: history@stonnington.vic.gov.au
Website: Stonnington History Centre

Printing tip: Before printing, please change your page orientation to Landscape in your printing options. This will ensure the best print results.

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