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Darling Gardens flower beds

1910? - 1920? Darling Gardens flower beds

ID: 8989
Copyright: Image held by Collingwood Library
Org ID: CL PIC 14

Description: Size: 108 x 153 mm Flower beds at the south-east corner of the Darling Gardens in Clifton Hill, near the intersection of South Terrace and Hoddle Street. The beds are surrounded by perfect turf and neatly edged with low-growing plants. The centre is a profusion of various flowers including some tall ones supported by wooden stakes. In the foreground is a barbed wire fence and in the background is a picket fence (following the line of the hill where the Infant Welfare Centre now stands). There are two men in the photo, one (perhaps the superintendent of parks and gardens) with a self-satisfied paunch covered by a high-cut waistcoat, a jacket and a bowler hat. Note the tap in the flower bed just behind him. The other man, in waistcoat, shirtsleeves, grey beard and broad brimmed hat, is probably the gardener. Content of image: Darling Gardens parks and gardens - darling gardens
Subject: parks

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