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Alpha Cottage

1880s - 90s Alpha Cottage

ID: 9179
Copyright: Image held by Collingwood Library
Org ID: CL PIC 328

Description: Size: 60 x 95 mm In front of a simple weatherboard house stand a middle-aged woman with her two grown-up daughters and small son, who is enjoying himself swinging on the pretty front gate. The name 'Alpha Cottage' is in the glass over the front door. In one of the windows are two signs, one saying 'Boots and shoes to order', the other 'All kinds of ?' The girls seem to be dressed as maids with dainty white aprons over dark dresses. The location of this house is unknown but the number on the front door is 156. Content of image: 'Alpha Cottage'
Subject: family

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Yarra Libraries

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Phone: 1300 695 427
Email: yarralibraries@yarracity.vic.gov.au
Website: Yarra Libraries

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