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1910 - 1920 Mayfield

ID: 9374
Copyright: Copyright enquiries should be directed to Yarra Libraries
Org ID: CL PIC 507

Description: Three photos of 'Mayfield', one of the earliest houses built on the Yarra in Abbotsford when it was a semi-rural area. It originally belonged to Georgiana McCrae who has left us a diary describing life in Melbourne in the 1840s. Georgiana and her husband built the house on a nine acre block and although the land was later subdivided the house, in Church Street near the river, survived until 1962, longer than the other early houses in the area. In the 1850s the house was bought by Sir Francis Murphy, Speaker in the House, who became involved in many clean air disputes as noxious industries took hold in Abbotsford. A wealthy man, he extended the house until the number of rooms totalled 22. The photos show a rendered, slate tiled house with a still-extensive garden including fruit trees, an arbour and a number of eucalypts. The fence and lych gate date from the twentieth century but in one photo there is a glimpse of the house next door which has a beautiful Victorian gate. Content of image: McCrae, Georgiana ; 'Mayfield'
Subject: houses

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Email: yarralibraries@yarracity.vic.gov.au
Website: Yarra Libraries

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