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Haybarn at Pigeon Bank.

1900 Haybarn at Pigeon Bank.

ID: 6814
Copyright: library owns image (image on public access)
Org ID: ref0438

Description: Lots of activity loading hay into a large Haybarn at Pigeon Bank farm in Kangaroo Ground with horses and carts . Group of four people standing at the side include Maggie McInnes, Vera and Agnes Cameron with Ewan H. Cameron. James Stuart standing on the dray. Ewan Cameron (Member of the Legislative Assembly for Evelyn, former minister, and member of the Eltham Roads Board and Shire Council for over 50 years 1874-1915) and his family lived at the property.
Subject: haysheds

Please Contact:
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Service

Original pictures held at Eltham Library.

Contact Local History Librarian

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